Extracting the juice of a lemon is just the start.

There are plenty of good things remaining to benefit from. The whole lemon is good and can be used!

After extracting the juice of the lemon, I cut the peel into thin ribbons, put it in a glass or cup and add water. After sitting in the fridge for a few hours, this becomes nice and refreshing lemon-flavored water!

After that, lemon leftovers can be added to smoothies (a little at a time) for free and highly bioavailable vitamin C, fiber and more. These can even be frozen for later use. Tons more ideas can be found online!

Note 1: The pith (the white part) by itself can be bitter, but blended into smoothies in small amounts with fruits, protein powder, cacao nibs and the like, the bitterness is gone, the immune system loves it, and the planet too!

Note 2: I strongly recommend organic lemons when consuming the pith or the skin, or at least ones that are pesticide free.

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