Carrot tops are edible?

There are too many vitamins, minerals and too much fiber in them to say no

to those carrot tops!

Silly us, we are discarding our carrots tops then we go buy some kale…! That said, I still buy kale but much less, now that I know how nutritious carrot tops are! My favorite way to use them is this: I wash and freeze them while they are still nice and fresh. I then add some in my smoothies. A little at a time (or more, to taste) will either be unnoticeable or will add just a nice little punch to my smoothie.

I even add some (fresh) to chocolate brownies sometimes. They hide perfectly in the bars and it is a great way to increase vegetables in your diet!

Tons of other ideas can be found online!

Note 1: The carrot stems are too stringy to use in smoothies, though they can be frozen along with other vegetable scraps to simmer later to make some nice homemade vegetable broth.

Note 2: Oh and, it's good to make sure our carrots are organic, or at least pesticide free.

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Extracting the juice of a lemon is just the start.