My name is Anne Charbonneau.

I am a passionate creative chef, hiker, musical director, musician and composer.

Here’s the journey that led to a 280 page book of delicious and healthy

desserts, treats and snacks recipes.

“I am a creative mind who started, at a young age, running into food limitations (no added sugar, gluten free, dairy free, etc).

My conviction is that no matter which so-called “limitation“ shows up, there is not only a way around it, but it opens a world of possibilities.

My thrill always has been to make the most delicious and nutritious desserts with zero empty calories, where each crumb is nourishing, rebuilding my body, where every crumb is good and healthy for me. 

I’m all about convenience and time efficiency! I have a busy, fulfilling life that I absolutely love with a music career going on, mountains calling me, a love for the planet that finds me committed to leave it better than I’ve found it and have a personal and social life too. 

Therefore, as much as I love baking, I don’t want to spend my entire life in the kitchen! So I get in there once in a while, make a lot once at it and freeze it all. That way, I have a great time in the kitchen while I’m there, and when done, I know that, for months, I will have healthy foods, bars, snacks and sweets ready. And, then, back to the studio, stage, road and the mountains!

Have I always eaten healthy? Oh, no!!! Not at all! I’ve really known both worlds! As I like to say, I had another life before this life, IN this life! For real. I was the perfect example of unhealthy living from late teenage years into adulthood - diet, lifestyle and all.

I didn’t like the way I felt and where I was going with all that. Finally, I made some big decisions… I was blessed to get sober when I was a young adult and I also quit smoking. Big changes for which I am so grateful! Following that, I decided to change my diet -one step at a time (ok, sometimes a few big steps at a time…), I got back in shape and lost the extra weight I had put on in my “party animal” years. 

Shortly after, I learned that I would be much better off removing all added sugar from my diet because of hypoglycemia! Believe me, it’s the last thing you want to hear when you love sugar!!

But hey, here I am today, effortlessly eating healthy, no matter how busy I am sometimes! 

All these food “limitations” opened doors for me. They opened a world of creativity and possibilities that might never have had the chance to emerge otherwise! I made it fun, delicious, convenient, practical, accessible, and it’s always evolving, ideas keep coming!

I have traveled the world and hiked countless mountains since then, always finding ways to effortlessly eat (and live) healthy. I am delighted to share what I have learned through the years and what my creative mind has put together to make the whole thing unfold with greater and greater ease. My wish is that these recipes may be of help to you, and that they serve you well on your journey.

Be well, live healthily and happily!”